Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Abrasive water jet cutting services – Principles of waterjet

Before knowing in to principles of abrasive water jet cutting services, it is vital to know brief summary of abrasive waterjet cutters. Abrasive water jet cutting can be used to cut metals among hard materials utilizing waterjet at high-pressure and velocity. It is significant to note that the machines use water mixed with abrasive substance thus the name abrasive waterjet machine. 

Abrasive waterjet machining is alike to water-erosion. The only variation is; the method is accelerated and also concentrated via order of magnitude. Water jet cutting machining is utilized mainly in the fabrication or manufacture of machinery parts amid other metal devices/parts. The method also has applications in a diversity of industries from mining to aerospace. In these industries, abrasive water jet cutting services is utilized in operations like cutting, carving, reaming and shaping.

How does abrasive water jet cutting work?

Well, we understood what abrasive waterjet are and its applications, now let us focus on principles of abrasive waterjet machining. To perform this, we have to know precisely how abrasive waterjet work. Let we start via describing the constitution of abrasive waterjet machines. The abrasive water jet cutting tool is made up of six main parts that is; a water tank, a motor, a nozzle, a piston pump, a computer and sand reservoir. The motor is typically linked to the piston-pump that pumps water from tank via a tube. Then, the water is mixed with abrasive in to the mixing chamber. The mixture comes out via a nozzle at high-pressure aimed brusquely on the material or sheet of metal to be machined.

Dominant physics

To know the basics of abrasive water jet tool in detail, it is vital to appear on the dominant physics. This needs discussion in how power flows via the machine. The motor in machine is accountable for changing electrical-power in to mechanical power while the tool is powered. The motor precede the piston pump that converts mechanical power in to another type of power said to be fluid power. 

The whole technique has 7 variables that are 3 electrical-power variables, 2 fluid power variables and 2 mechanical power variables. The electrical power variables explain AC current which is supplied to machine motor, the AC voltage and the net motor resistance across the motor. The mechanical-power variables illustrate the angular-speed and torque formed via motor shaft. Fluid power variables explain the volume flow-rate and pump pressure dissimilarity.

In observes to pressure, water mixture pours out of pump at about 40,000 psi. Then, the mixture is forced out of nozzle at approx 2,500ft/sec. Abrasive waterjet machine nozzles calculate 0.030-inches. The distance among the nozzle and material being slice is usually 0.06-inches. These dimensions can but vary based on application, preferences, etc. The cutting is usually attained through grinding process. Fluid-garnet mixture is utilized in place of grinding wheel. 

I hope you are clear about abrasive water jet cutting job work services and how to obtain it.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Glass water jet cutting services - Acquire waterjet cutting services coimbatore

Water jet cutting is ideal solution to every glass-cutting challenge. It provides fast cuts on glass to 6” thickness. Glass cutting is best application for water jet cutting services. Without using any tooling or set-up changes you can leave from cutting most tantalizing led-light glass, via strongest 100mm -6” thickness laminated bullet-resistant glass. Exact cutting stream enables water jet cutting of almost any kind of shape, it doesn’t matter how fine or complex, with almost no-load from cutting method being used to glass, then as long as you can hold it, Water jet can cut it. Read out below given post to know about how glass water jet cutting services work.

Water jet cutting services for glass

Cutting Glass with Waterjet
Cutting and stabbing glass is not a trouble with waterjet cutting tools. From cutting of complex stained glass, to sharp holes in glass, to simply cutting laminated ballistic-glass, customers from diversity of industries have revealed the cost-effectiveness and versatility of cutting glass-materials with water jet cutting technology.

Recommended : water jet cutting coimbatore on glass

The Best Edge
Whole drilling is simple for water jet technology, since is stained glass cutting on the other end of band.  There is no necessitating engraving and breaking while cutting glass with water jets, thus there is less gaunt material no program pattern restriction. Water jet allows you to cut even the faintest glass without cracking or producing a crater. Water jet cutting doesn’t vibrate the glass, there is no leave behind rough edges or heat-affected zone (HAZ) and almost no secondary processing is required. 

Glass water jet cutting applications contain

  1. Inlays
  2. Shower doors and walls
  3. Mirrors
  4. Wall inlay
  5. Tabletop inlay
  6. Flooring inlay
  7. Stained glass
  8. Light fixtures
  9. Windows
  10. Ornament
  11. Unique backsplashes

Benefits of cutting glass using waterjet cutting

  • Create complex design in any size and shape
  • Cut glass geometry which common machining can’t perform
  • Precisely cut thin to thickness glass exclusive of changing any tooling
  • Delicate glass doesn’t crack through processing
  • No heat-affected zone (HAZ)
  • No tool to sharpen
  • Eliminates strain of cutting process in surface material
  • No wastage of material, narrow cutting-gap
  • Cost-effective means of cutting holes on glass
  • No or reduced require for reworking the cut edge

These are the various benefits of cutting glass using water jet cutter. So, if you are the looking to cut glass to make ideal shape then, you must prefer water jet cutting services Coimbatore.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Tips to know water jet cutting services Coimbatore.

People who have been appearing for ideal cutting tool to cut any materials can adopt for water jet cutting technology. Since, waterjet method stands top among other methods in providing precise parts by cutting materials using high-pressured water via nozzle. Read out this article to know about different technology of water jet cutting also know where to acquire water jet cutting services for obtaining high-quality on parts.

Pure water jet cutting services

Water jet cutting technology has been used for different purposes. It has capability to cut via various materials also it can be used for eliminating or cleaning dirt on surfaces.  Water jet machining is attained via forcing large volume of water with high pressure via tiny jaws in nozzle. High-pressured water leaving nozzle impacts material and begins cutting process. It can be able to cut any materials and it is said to be green technology as it would not produce any heat-affected zone. Though, water jet machining is slowest-cutting method, there are ideal benefits that outweigh its speed. 

Water jet cutting benefits
  • Applicable to both thick and thin materials
  • Very thin water stream
  • Fast cutting
  • Very tiny material wastage through cutting
  • Extremely low-cutting force
  • Very apt for soft and light materials cutting
  • No heat is produced during cutting
Abrasive Water jet cutting tool

Abrasive waterjet also said to be abrasivejet; it is formulated base on pure-waterjet system. While abrasive materials, like garnet, are feed into cutting head of pure water jet system and they are mixed together well with water in the cutting head, abrasive water jet becomes “sharper” through higher cutting capability. This abrasive feature enables water jet to slice almost any types of hard, thick and delicate materials.

Read more: water jet cutting job work coimbatore

Advantages of abrasive waterjet
Below given are the list of benefits of abrasive water jet cutting that are,
  • Thin stream
  • Extremely versatile process
  • No mechanical stresses
  • Thin and thick material cutting
  • No heat is generated
  • One jet-setup is almost pertinent for all abrasive-jet jobs
  • Little cutting material leftovers
  • Little or almost no burr
  • Low cutting force
  • Quickly switch between abrasive waterjet to pure waterjet
These are the different technology of water jet cutting method and if you are looking to adopt ideal water jet cutting services Coimbatore then, visit this source

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Water Jet Cutting services– Know merits of waterjet

Since, the starting of Water jet cutting method, it has undergone with lot of changes, enhancements and modifications in its designs. Different types of abrasives, nozzles, jet positions have try out with to enhance the productivity. Basic function of Water jet cutting is to force high-volume of water via very tiny aperture at nozzle and continuous flow of water traversing via minimized cross-sectional part, helps the particles to stimulate quickly. High pressurized water can be used to cut materials into desired shape. It can be used to cut any type of materials that you look for. Just read on, below given guidelines to know about water jet cutting services Coimbatore.

water jet cutting services coimbatore

 What to look in water jet method

Water jet cutting services has lot of applications and there are lot of reasons why this method is highly preferred compare to other prevalent cutting techniques. It has many benefits that have discussed below, have a look!

  • No heat is generated in Water jet cutting process. This technique is highly beneficial than other traditional cutting methods when cutting materials as it provide precise parts whereas excessive heat production might alter properties of metal with traditional methods.
  • Water jet cutting services, unlike other cutting techniques it doesn’t make any dust particles which can be hazardous if inhaled
  • Width of kerfs in Water jet machine is small that causes very least amount of parts to be wasted.
  • This method can be easily utilized for making any prototype parts quite effortlessly. Engineers is just wanted to program details of needed dimension of part in system and particular part can be cut precisely to specification given to Waterjet machine.
  • Using this technique is very quicker and economic compare to other processes which involve drawing full prints of part and having another skilled-operator to slice out that part. The whole process of waterjet cutting can be deftly automated to make desired outputs.
  • This cutting method does not leave rough-edge after cutting and removed requires to apply other machining procedures such as finish sanding or grinding.
  • Compared to other techniques, water jet cutter is known to be efficient equipment than other techniques. It provides time-efficient and cost effective also eco-friendly.
  • Though, it may have few limitations, however compare to its benefits, it is no need to consider and it is highly preferred technique across the world.